MGH Staff, Physicians, and Volunteers Experience Survey - The Future of East Toronto

MGH is re-imagining what hospital care will look like in the future in East Toronto. Over the next year we will define our long-term strategy and vision, re-evaluate how we deliver care, and understand what space requirements will be needed over the next 10-30 years. 

Our goal is to imagine and design a leading and innovative community hospital that can serve the needs of our diverse East Toronto neighbourhoods today and in the future. To meet this goal, we will engage and work with patients, families, caregivers, healthcare teams, physicians, volunteers, and our hospital and community partners.  

This survey is one tool we will be using to understand the needs of our staff as we seek to define our strategic vision. We are looking for your input to help inform and improve our planning as we plan the structure of our clinical services to meet our bold new vision for our hospital.  


You will be asked to answer a series of 12 questions that should take 10-15 minutes in total to complete. There are no right or wrong answers. Please take your time and share as much as you can. 

All information shared will be kept confidential and anonymous. If personal information is shared (e.g. names), it will be removed for analysis.

Completing the survey is voluntary, and you can stop at any point. 

If you have any questions, please contact

Please select the “Next” button to start the survey!

33% Complete

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